In the past few years, online learning has been on the rise, mainly due to its low cost and convenience compared to traditional education. These days, there are hundreds of online learning platforms that offer courses in every imaginable subject. Of course, not every platform is good, and not every course you take will teach you valuable skills - trust me, I have taken my fair share of crappy online classes.
I tried many platforms in the past, and today I will talk about one of my favorite ones - Mindvalley. I have written a full review of Mindvalley, where I discussed the pricing and key features, and listed all of its pros and cons. And in this article, I will share a list of the best Mindvalley courses - or Quests.
What Is Mindvalley?
Mindvalley is an online learning platform that offers over 60 personal development courses in several categories: Mind, Body, Soul, Entrepreneurship, Career, Relationships, and Parenting. For $499 a year members get unlimited access to all Quests taught by industry leaders and world-class experts.
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Best Mindvalley Courses
Students enrolled: 2,5 million
Training time: 8,5 hours
Length: 30 days
Trainer: Jim Kwik
Superbrain is one of Mindvalley's most popular programs. It is taught by a New York Times bestselling author and Brain Coach Jim Kwin, who is known for his memory and speed-reading techniques.
The course focuses on boosting your memory, learning capacity, brainpower, and focus. Superbrain lasts 30 days and takes just 15-20 minutes a day to complete. It also includes four bonus programs - Overcoming Procrastination, Your 8 C's To Muscle Memory, Remembering Your Dreams, and Speed Reading. In my opinion, Superbrain is the perfect way to start your Mindvalley journey as it will help you learn faster and focus easier in the future.
Uncompromised Life
Students enrolled: 1,5 million
Training time: 5,5 hours
Length: 17 days
Trainer: Marisa Peer
Uncompromised Life is the course taught by the United Kingdom’s number one therapist and a creator of Transformational Hypnotherapy, Marisa Peer. The program's goal is to help learners dive into their minds and awaken their fullest potential through a series of interactive hypnotherapy sessions. Even though the Quest takes less than two hours per week, it creates lasting change in life and makes you think, feel, and act differently.
Uncompromised Life is a Quest for anyone who wants to achieve peak performance in personal life and business, and for those who want to get rid of their anxieties, fears, and addictions. The course also comes with four bonus hypnotherapy sessions - for Greater Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem, for Attracting A Loving, Lasting Relationship, for Perfect, Deep, Unbroken Sleep, and for Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking.
Be Extraordinary
Students enrolled: 2,5 million
Training time: 8,2 hours
Length: 30 days
Trainer: Vishen Lakhiani
Be Extraordinary is a course created by Mindvalley's founder and New York Times bestselling author Vishen Lakhiani. This Quest is a must for anyone who is interested in personal growth and who is having a hard time reaching their full potential. In less than a month, you will gain eighteen tools that will permanently transform your life, along with your thoughts, beliefs, and performance.
Vishen believes that every person on the planet operates on one of the four levels of Consciousness - Modern Man, Culture Hacker, State of Limitless, and The God Mind. Most people operate from the first level and the goal of the course is to reach at least the third level, where your thoughts quickly become reality, and where your true abilities emerge in you. Be Extraordinary comes with two bonuses - The Consciousness Engineering Program and The 6 Phase Meditation Quest.
The Longevity Blueprint
Students enrolled: 260,000
Training time: 18 hours
Length: 49 days
Trainer: Ben Greenfield
The Longevity Blueprint is one of my favorite Mindvalley Quests. Taught by Ben Greenfield who is a competitive athlete, biohacker, fitness coach, and New York Times bestselling author, the course teaches how to enhance overall wellness in seven weeks. The daily lessons last just 10-20 minutes, and when I first joined the program I was a bit skeptical thinking that such short workouts won't make any difference. I have to admit, that I was wrong.
Turns out, you don't have to spend hours in the gym to elevate your energy levels, longevity, strength, and mobility. And that grueling workouts actually do more harm than good. The Longevity Blueprint teaches you how to transform your body and live a long, healthy life. (Read also Best Mindvalley Courses for Body Health and Wellness and How They Affected) Three bonuses are included in the course - 1x Pre-Recorded Group Coaching Call With Ben Greenfield, A Guide To Deeper Sleep & A Healthier Diet, and Done-For-You Workout Programs.
The Mastery Of Sleep
Students enrolled: 133,000
Training time: 5,5 hours
Length: 28 days
Trainer: Dr. Michael Breus
Dr. Michael Breus is known as America's most famous Sleep Doctor. He created The Mastery Of Sleep program specifically for people who cannot get deep and restful sleep at night, and often feel tired throughout the day. The course teaches you how to identify your chronotype so that you know which is your ideal bedtime and how many hours of sleep you need daily, how to reprogram your body and mind to sleep through the whole night, and how to wake up full of energy every morning.
What I like about this Quest, is that it doesn't provide a generic solution to a sleep problem but rather focuses on finding a personalized remedy that will work for you. As a bonus, all students get access to 4 x Free Pre-Recorded Group Coaching Calls with Dr. Michael Breus.
Energy Medicine
Students enrolled: 533,000
Training time: 10 hours
Length: 26 days
Trainer: Donna Eden
Donna Eden's Energy Medicine program was created for anyone who is in search of physical, spiritual, and emotional healing. Energy healing is a method of restoring your vitality and energetic balance and relieving pain. The course teaches how to awaken your body's healing ability within you in just a few minutes a day.
Energy Medicine focuses on nine energetic systems of our bodies - Chakras, Meridians, Radiant Circuits, Aura, Basic Grid, Electrics, Celtic Weave, Five Rhythms, and Triple Warmer, and shows how to use each one of them for deep emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. All students enrolled in this Quest also receive 8x Customized Energy Handbooks as a bonus.
The Quest For Personal Mastery
Students enrolled: 146,000
Training time: 6 hours
Length: 45 days
Trainer: Dr. Srikumar Rao
Are you struggling to awaken self-mastery, resilience, and inner peace? Then this course is for you. Created by Dr. Srikumar Rao, The Quest for Personal Mastery teaches how to face stressful situations not with anxiety and fear, but rather with assuredness that you are given an opportunity to grow; how to stop feeling like the victim of forces that are beyond your control and take responsibility for your life; how to create your new reality together with the Universe; and how to overcome any obstacles by using re-framing techniques.
The course lasts a little over six weeks and it takes 10-15 minutes a day to complete each lesson. The Quest for Personal Mastery is an excellent choice for anyone who is going through a stressful life transition, or looking for a breakthrough and needs to learn the tools to build a life they want.
Marisa Peer RTT Mindvalley Masterclass: A Rapid Transformational Therapy
The Habit of Ferocity
Students enrolled: 143,000
Training time: 5,5 hours
Length: 35 days
Trainer: Steven Kotler
New York Times-bestselling mind science author and award-winning journalist Steven Kotler's The Habit of Ferocity course is a real gem. It teaches how to rewire yourself and train your mind for extraordinary focus, productivity, and performance. To do that, you need to have "ferocity", which is basically a series of physiological and neurological habits that help reach peak performance. People who have ferocity are more likely to get out of their comfort zone, push their boundaries, and achieve goals without wasting time and energy.
In this Quest, Steven Kotler shows how to adopt the habit of ferocity fast and permanently and learn how to overcome challenges that most people consider impossible. After the course, I experienced major changes in my thoughts and actions and felt like I was reprogrammed so that I could achieve anything I wanted. I also really enjoyed the 2x Group Coaching Call Recordings With Steven Kotler that came as a bonus.
Money EQ Program
Students enrolled: 119,000
Training time: 3,6 hours
Length: 21 days
Trainer: Ken Honda
Ken Honda is one of the world's most famous money teachers known in his home country of Japan as the "Zen Millionaire". He believes that most people struggle with financial uncertainty and cannot earn as much as they want simply because they never learned the most important truth about money. According to Ken Honda, it is Money EQ that is responsible for the relationship with money. If it is high, then the person attracts abundance in his life.
In this Quest, you are taught how to raise your Money EQ (working harder or saving money is not an answer here) and achieve financial success. So if you feel like you can never earn enough money, then I recommend taking this Quest. Besides the course itself, you will get two recordings of live online coaching sessions With Ken Honda - How To Deal With Debt and Money & Relationships.
Conscious Parenting Mastery
Students enrolled: 112,000
Training time: 8 hours
Length: 35 days
Trainer: Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Do you have children or are you planning to become a parent in the future? Then you just have to take this Quest. Seriously, it is that good! Dr. Shefali Tsabary is a clinical psychologist and best-selling author who teaches how to transform not only your relationship with your child but your whole life. The Quest debunks the myths of traditional parenting and gives you tools to nurture a meaningful connection with your children.
Dr. Shefali's Quest focuses a lot on the healing of your inner child which is crucial for anyone who wants to be a good parent. The Conscious Parenting Mastery shows how to grow the relationship between your child, you, and your inner child. You will learn how to go from projection to pause, from expectation to empathetic engagement, from judgment to compassion accepting, from reaction to feelings, and from correction to connection. These five transformational shifts will help you become a truly Conscious Parent. The bonus of this Quest is 5x Group Coaching Call Recordings With Dr. Shefali where she answers questions and addresses the most common concerns.
Are Mindvalley Courses Worth It?
Mindvalley is a good platform for anyone who is interested in personal growth and self-transformation. For $499 a year you can take as many courses as you want and I think that Mindvalley is worth it. The quality of Quests is very high, and the things that you learn help improve your business and personal life.